Wednesday, May 8, 2013


  For more information about the outing or how you can become a sponsor Click HERE...

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

FREE community outreach concert "A Harpist's Homecoming" with Ann Hobson Pilot, recently retired harpist of the Boston Symphony. In addition to Ms. Pilot we are pleased to have Ms. Mary Sue Welsh, long-time Lyra patron and author of the highly acclaimed book "One Woman in a Hundred." She will be present at our April 5, 2013 concert to sign her book. Please come and support these amazing women and we hope you will consider making a gift...

Friday, March 29, 2013

To Reserve tickets go to

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Latin Fiesta at PIFA! April 25th

  Buy you tickets NOW! Click Here...

Monday, February 25, 2013

Event Planners Meet UP! March 21st

Sign up today there is limited space now we have live Jazz music coming too! RSVP to contact@mugshotscoffeehouse.c...

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


As a marketing specialist I am disappointed in my lack of keeping my own blog updated!  Looking back to a year ago there were many fun things that we covered on the blog.  So my New Year's resolution is to get back to blogging (*yes please note that it is almost the end of Feb).  I do it for my clients so just like a shoe cobbler's kids my blog has been neglected and needs some attention!  With that said I will keep...

Friday, February 10, 2012

Gender Fits in Fashion Week 2012

The newest, hottest trend this year in Fashion Week is fitting women for menswear!  Funny how in Shakespeare's age he would have male actors play women's roles.  Is this the way Fashion will continue in future years?  Let me know how you feel about this new trend...

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